LibreFlix APK

Herunterladen LibreFlix APK v1.0 für Android 2024

App von:
Guilst Labs
v1.0 für Android
Aktualisiert am:
Sep 02, 2023
2 MB
Erforderliches Android:
Android 5.1+

What is LibreFlix APK About?

Libreflix is an open and collaborative streaming platform that brings together independent, freely available and thought-provoking audiovisual productions.

We advocate new ways of sharing culture. Ways that reach everyone, especially those who cannot afford it. Ways that connect artists directly with fans. And even ways that allow artists to create something new based on the work of other artists. Culture is science, it is poetry and it belongs to everyone.


Anyone can add a production to Libreflix. If you know of a production where its creators have made it available for free viewing or if you are still a filmmaker, make your creation available. Spread the word.

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